Origin: South East Asia
Sunlight: I like it when I’m placed in an area of well lit, indirect sunlight for long periods of time, however not direct light as this will cause my leaves to scorch, try to avoid putting me in low lit shaded areas.
Temperature: I enjoy the warm areas of your home, I'd like regular misting as I’m used to the humidity, wiping my leaves too.
Please keep me away from opening doors and draughts.
Growth: In my natural environment it is known that I can reach heights of around 4 meters, but indoors around 1.5 meters
Toxicity: Toxic if ingested.
Watering: Check soil regularly and allow around the top 2 inches to dry out before watering, this can be tested with your finger.
Water me lightly so that my soil is moist, but do not over water as this will lead to root rot.
Feed: Feed me during spring and summer with a general houseplant fertilizer, avoid feeding me during winter, I’ll even require less water during these months too