Origin: South America
Sunlight: Mixture of bright indirect light and shade is ideal for me. Take care when placing me in direct sunlight to avoid scorched leaves. Conservatories would be an ideal position for me.
Temperatures: I am used to the humidity of the south American rainforests, so to make me feel at home, misting my leaves will be perfect, this will also help avoiding leaf browning.
Average room temperatures will be fine for continuous growth, however keep me away from radiators and cold draughts.
Growth: Within my natural environments I’m known to grow as tall as 9 metres.
Toxicity: Toxic if eaten, so be sure to keep out of reach of kids and pets.
Watering: Give me a water me when roughly the top 2 inches of soil feel dry, however be careful not to over water and leave me to sit in water. Once overwatered, root rot can set in, so as a rule of thumb in this instance, less is more.
Feed: Similar story with feeding me, with less fertilizer better than being over fed. Ideally I will benefit from a monthly feed, around early spring to late summer months to avoid leaf yellowing, however this could be a sign of being over watered.