Origin: Southwest Africa
Sunlight: I like being placed in positions that will receive a lot of bright light, to promote full impressive leaf growth.
I enjoy periods in direct sun, however not for too long as this will cause my leaves to scorch.
Temperature: Keep me at room temperature, but keep me well away from draughts.
Growth: As I’m more of a trailing plant I won’t grow too tall, however my trail vines can grow up to 2m in length.
Toxicity: Best to keep me out of reach, I’m visually more impressive high up anyway, so take advantage of my beautiful trails.
Watering: Water me sparingly, I’d much prefer my soil to become dry in between watering. You can always add more if need be during spring and summer months, I’ll require far less during winter.
Feed: A general houseplant fertilizer during the warmer months will help promote my growth.