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Origin: South America

Sunlight: I much prefer bright, indirect light and can deal with periods of direct sun too, but over time my leaves may become scorched and end up with browning on my tips. I also don’t mind shaded areas, however this will slow my growth and end up with a lighter leaf colour.

Temperature: Overall I’m very adaptable to my surroundings, so a difference in room temperatures over the course of the year I’ll be fine with. I even don’t mind the cooler winter temperatures.

Growth: I’m not the fastest of growers, I can still grow up to 2 metres indoors though.

Toxicity: Best to keep me out of reach children and pets.

Watering: Water me regularly during the spring and summer growing season, making sure to fully drain excess so that I don’t stand in water.

Allow top few inches of my soil to dry out between watering. This can be checked using your finger.

Feed: It’s not necessary to feed me with any fertilizer, however a diluted dose over the spring and summer months will help boost new growth.