Origin: South America
Sunlight: Brighter the better for me! I can cope with a combination of shade/indirect and direct sunlight, however avoid too much of the latter when I’m relatively young to avoid scorching.
Temperature: Being from the desert, I like the heat! However I’m happy at room temperature. Try to avoid any lower than this, as I’m not used to it.
Growth: Overall I’m a slow grower, however this doesn’t mean I’m not as impressive! I come in various shapes and sizes which more than make up for it, be careful of my spikes though.
In the wild I can grow really tall, however in homes up to a few cm per year in right conditions.
Toxicity: Toxic free, however be careful of my spikes as you will think I’m not friendly either, so take care when handling.
Watering: I require very little water, but give me a little every now and then when my soil is completely dry.
Feed: Not really needed, however a general houseplant feed will keep me happy during warmer months.