Origin: Australia
Sunlight: Indirect sunlight is advisable for many of the popular indoor palms. I will grow particularly well and remain healthy in low light conditions, so be careful in direct light areas as this will lead to leaf scorching.
Temperature: Keep me at normal room temperatures, do not let temperature drop below 13°C and be sure to keep me away from draughts.
Growth: I’m fairly slow growing, however place me in a position where I will have space to reach my potential.
Toxicity: I'm safe, non toxic.
Watering: Please don’t overwater me, I don’t mind my soil being slightly dry however you’ll know if I’ll need a drink when checking the top couple of inches of my soil had dried out, In the warmer summer months, you may need to water more regularly.
Good drainage for me is important to prevent root rot and I wouldn’t mind being misted from time to time.
Feed: Feed me during spring and summer with a general houseplant fertilizer. Avoid feeding me during winter, I’ll even require less water during these months too.