Origin: Southern China
Sunlight: I’m a low maintenance plant that will thrive in a bright indirect spot maybe near a window, however it is best to keep me out of direct sunlight as too sun can scorch my watermelon style colour leaves.
Temperature: I’m most happy at room temperature, ranging from 15-30°C., I’m not too keen on the cold though, so keep my away from draughts and cold spots.
Growth: I’m fairly fast growing given the correct light conditions. If you’re wanting to promote growth, you can re-pot me into a larger pot, allowing me to grow to around 12 inches tall as well as in width.
Toxicity: Non Toxic
Watering: Allow the top couple of inches of my soil to dry out between watering. This can be checked using your finger to be sure, but don’t allow me sit in water.
If I’m kept in a warm environment or during summer, my leaves will benefit from a regular misting as I like the humidity.
Feed: I wouldn’t mind a light feed during the growing season.